Custom Mobile App Build
No Start-up Costs
No Development Costs
Get a custom app in as little as a week
Get a custom app built for your business and it will become a sales and marketing army for your business.
- Make engaging with your best customers simple, automatic and affordable
- Send them an offer when they’re at your Competitor
- Reward them with targeted discounts, coupons or other incentives
- Take customer orders through the app
A custom mobile app can: Click on the for more info
Push Notifications: Send your clients a push notification, coupon or promotion right to their phone.
Menu Ordering: Customers can order right from their phones, for pick-up or delivery.
GEO Fencing: Notice when your customer parks their car in front of a competitor and send them a notification right to their phone about a special you are having today.
Direct Marketing: Easily reward customers with targeted discounts, coupons, and other incentives.
Branding: Simply seeing your logo daily on their phone will keep your brand top of mind.
Quick Development
We can have your app ready much faster than you think. For most customers, we can have the app ready for you to review in less than 1 week from the time you sign up and tell us which modules you want included.
Not tech savvy? Don’t worry!
We have a dedicated US Based team here to help you every step of the way.
Target areas where your customers will be, even if it’s at your competitor, and the app can send them a coupon/promotion for your store.
Menu Ordering or Product Sales through the Mobile App
Menu Items or Product list with shopping cart.
Let them order right from their phone.
Whether you’re selling items and need a shopping cart or have a menu, be where your customers are. We can put your products or your entire menu on your mobile app and customers can order and pay right through your custom mobile app with Custom App Build. Studies show an increase of 20% in orders when adding this awesome feature.
Geo Fencing / Geo Targeting with Push notifications & Messaging. Like a fisherman casting 1000 lines at once, pull in customers automatically.
But why not add
- Social media to let your customers talk about your business?
- Gaming & entertainment and news to keep your customers using your app every day?
- Quiz -Surveys to find out what your customers want?
We also can show you how to accept credit cards and pay zero fees! Get started today!
GEO-FENCING lets you target your customers, wherever they are likely to be.
Geo Fencing: best reason to get an app!
Just like map/directions apps can recognize where you are and how to get you to where you want to go, GeoFencing recognizes when your customers are in your target areas. Then it sends them a coupon, a notification, or whatever you’d like to say to them as an incentive to come to your store or restaurant.
Sounds complicated, but it’s not! We help you set up radiuses around your target areas: your store, your competitors, and your target area for foot traffic. When your customers enter that area they will get a targeted message from you right on their phone. The radius can be as large as the country or as small as a store.
Push Notifications
Push notifications arrive on a user’s mobile device and have 97% open rates! Unlike texting, push notifications will not eat up your customers data plan. Its an incredible way to keep your customers engaged and informed!
Direct Marketing
The most direct, effective and cheapest way to advertise to your loyal customers is to offer coupons, sales, promotions, bogo’s, and other specials through your mobile app. Your message gets to them instantly, on their phone, where they are guaranteed to see it.
Geo Fence Competitors: Place a geo-fence around each and every one of your competitors. When your customer is walking up to their front door or parks near their location, they’ll get a custom message, promotion or coupon from you! Send a message that pulls them out of their store and into yours. “Show us this coupon in the next 20 minutes and receive a free item”
Taco Bell used competitor Geo Fencing and significantly increased their annual sales.
Geo Fence your surrounding area: Pull in more foot traffic by offering invitations or specials if they come in today. “We would love to see you again. Show us this coupon for a free drink with your meal today”
72% of people say they respond to promotions and messages they receive while in sight of the retailer.
American Eagle Outfitters used Geo Fencing to boost foot traffic and tripled its sales.
Geo Fence your own business location to up-sell or cross-sell: “Thanks for coming in today. Have you tried our popular new…?”
Shoppers who received location-based text messages spend 24% more than those who didn’t.
Geo Fence related businesses to cross sell: A convenience store might Geo Fence the pizza place around the corner. “Need something to wash down that pizza? We have 2 for 1 specials on 2 liter sodas today”
Taco Bell used competitor geo fencing and significantly increased their annual sales
Dunkin’ Donuts
Dunkin’ Donuts leveraged geo-fencing around competitors and found 36% of people taking secondary action, 18% saving a coupon and almost 4% redeeming them.
American Outfitters
American Eagle Outfitters used geo fencing to boost foot traffic and tripled its sales.
Sampling of optional modules that can be added to your app for no additional charge.
Click on any of the images to see a larger view.
Not tech savvy? Don’t worry!
We have a dedicated US Based team here to help you every step of the way.
We have a dedicated US Based team here to help you every step of the way.